반가워요 :)

Hello hello!

서울에 거주하고 있는 UX 광팬이에요. 리서치와 디자인을 통해 의미있는 해결책을 구상하는 걸 즐긴답니다.
I'm a UX Designer based in Seoul. Understanding people through research and designing meaningful solutions inspire me.

Moving and adjusting to new places have been a big part of my life. Through those incredible journeys, I grew to be a person who can't wait to meet new people.
During my four years at Georgia Tech, I was able to nurture my passion of understanding people and hone my skills in UX design for collaborative work.
I'm looking forward to participating in further UX and Service Design projects and bring diverse perspectives to the creative table.

작은 tmi / little more about me

☝️ 저는 슬로바키아, 애틀란타에서 살았고, 지금은 서울에 살고 있어요 / I've lived in Slovakia, Atlanta, and now in Seoul, South Korea
✌️ 저의 취미는 그림그리기 랍니다 / I love to draw!
🤙 저는 이모지 중독자에요 / I'm heavily addicted to emojis 

Feel free to check out my LinkedIn 
and I'm always down for more caffeine ☕​​​​​​​
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